Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Locker rooms inside a Mosque

We live in the home of the brave and land of the free. That freedom includes complaining. Doesn't it seem that the majority of this world's propaganda is complaining? And yes, I'm complaining too.

First things first: The Mosque.

Our freedoms give whomever to build a Mosque/Church wherever. However, human nature has to make us question the motives of someone building a Mosque at Ground Zero. IF, the Muslim world wants to bridge people together and is truly concerned about how they are perceived, this is not the best PR move. If you are wanting equality, love, tolerance, etc., one has to exhibit a hint of what they preach. It's not a one way street.

2: Women in men's locker rooms.

I still don't understand why women are allowed to be in men's locker rooms. One might argue if you do not, that's discrimination. I guess it's discriminating to some extent, but I view it as discriminating between right and wrong. I would also contend that men are not allowed to visit female locker rooms and given the same access as women. How many interviews have you heard of where a male reporter is taking answers from a nude Serena Williams right after a tennis match? It doesn't happen. Is this a double standard? I'll let you make the call.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 we care.

I'll admit, Brett Favre is a great quarterback. Some say he's the greatest ever, but who knows. Brett Favre has always stated that he loves the game so much that he can't stay away. I'm starting to wonder if it's the attention that he misses more than the game. Each year Brett Favre has been as predictable as a hot day in August. Will he come back? Sources report this and that. No, he's not coming back and then lo and behold...HE'S BACK! I've heard people criticize the media for fueling the drama, but I think it all originates with Favre. If he wanted people to know, say something and stick to your word. I'm sick of it.

Brett - if you are going to play, great. If you are not wanting to play, great. I don't care either way and will not lose any sleep over you. I think you have let your success go to your Wranglers.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Long time,

A lot has happened since 2009. I guess laziness and a lack of having anything to say caught up with me. I'll try to make it a point to publish something a little more often - I know you are on the edge of your seats.

Today's Thoughts:

*Favre - Gets on my nerves.

*Racism - Sick of it, Sick of talking AND Sick of people looking for it 24/7.

*Making a to-do list.

*What am I going to eat for lunch?

*Wishing I had an auto tune microphone

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I just heard.

Well, Michael is gone. I just heard the news.

I have mixed feelings about Michael. I have to admit the Thriller album did hit hard during my third grade year of school. I remember I had a notebook with all the Jacksons' names on it. Yeah, even Tito. Billie Jean, Thriller and PYT are some of the tunes that stand out in my memory. After the MTV/Thriller stage, MJ faded to wayside for me (no pun intended).

Over time, Michael just creeped me out. With all the allegations and with his own statements regarding sharing his bed with children, I had no use for him. Michael mismanaged his money and was surrounded by a bunch of "yes" men similar to Elvis Presley. On the other hand, he may have made the best business deal of all time by purchasing the rights to the Beatles' catalog of songs.

Was Michael a role model/Civil Rights leader for the Black community? I don't no. Civil Rights leader is a little ridiculous. That's all I have been hearing on television. I don't even watch it anymore. I don't feel that I'm in a position to say yes or no since I am not African American. He did break down some racial barriers on MTV for black artists. And MTV was a big deal in pop culture and influencing society. You can take that at whatever it's worth. I also believe that it is absurd to discredit Michael's influence on music, his talent and his influence on culture. However, to glorify the man as an upstanding person is huge stretch. A person that admits to sharing his bed with children that are not his own and pays hush money to a family during child molestation cases - pretty much meets the criteria for a wack job. And THAT's only 1 part to his crazy life!

I also don't find it amusing that Bill O'Reilly and other television "entertainment reporters" find it amusing to rope Michael's kids into all of this by questioning their "whiteness" or "blackness" (like they don't have enough problems of their own). They had no choice in the matter! Don't bring them into this, Bill. Bill O'Reilly you receive my Pinhead award for this one.

Michael didn't influence my music. Did he influence music around the world? Yes. I didn't buy any of his music. I wasn't looking to buy his next record. Was his talented? Yes. Was he a strange bird? Yes. Did he molest children? Don't know, but if I had a poker hand riding on it, I would go all in. Did he invent the moonwalk? No.

I will predict a new Michael Jackson album very soon that will receive critical acclaim. Next years Grammys to follow.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Masked Blogger: Peta vs. Obama

If there was any question in your mind that those who serve in political office are the greatest recipients of criticism; those doubts have to be vanquished.

Last Tuesday, on June 16, during an interview for CNBC at the White House, a fly interrupted President Obama's conversation with correspondent John Harwood. Obama did what every person does in that situation; he tried to kill it and was successful.

Since then PETA has been all over Obama. "We support compassion even for the most curious, smallest and least sympathetic animals," PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich said Wednesday. "We believe that people, where they can be compassionate, should be, for all animals."

I am no animal expert, but don't flies qualify as insects? Doesn't Obama have more on his mind than insect homicide? Maybe things like Iran, North Korea, healthcare, and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. You might notice that I sighted issues dealing with human life.

Here's my question: How many animal activists are pro-choice in regards to abortion?

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