Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Masked Blogger - Palin's Pain

Sounds like the Masked Blogger has him a little crush. I give the blog a C-.

It’s a known fact that you do not kick someone when they are down. Due to the election, Governor Sarah Palin finds herself in a down predicament. Yet, the media and others, continue to pile on. In regards to the onslaught, I honestly don’t know what the motive is. Are Palin’s opponents scared of the Alaskan? Do they truly view her as Tina Fey’s portrayal rather than who she truly is? Is there a lack of acceptance for another strong political woman in addition to Condoleezza Rice and Hilary Clinton? Are the Democrats looking for the new Dan Quayle?
Opponents can stay on the Palin attack if they so choose. However, short of a John Edwards type scandal, I don’t think we have heard the last from Sarah Palin in connection with the Presidency. Whether you like her or not, people of all political views gravitate to looks, charisma, and eloquence. Sometimes these three can be so intoxicating that content is ignored. Sound familiar?

1 comment:

I could be wrong, but... said...

Are Palin’s opponents scared of the Alaskan? Absolutely. Do they truly view her as Tina Fey’s portrayal rather than who she truly is? Absoluetly. When skits and such get more air time than the actual candidate, yeah sure. The V.P. candidate needed to get herself more in the public eye with more refreshing speaches and more tv interviews.

The McCain campaign failed horribly not letting Palin speak her mind and letting her hit the circuits. I think after the Katie interview, the McCain handlers had their doubts...So did the American people. It was reflected in the polls. Was Palin given a fair shake? Not really, but don't just blame the press, her and her own camp are to blame.


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