Sunday, April 5, 2009

I have a dream...of an all Black rodeo???

I am on Ticketmaster's email list. From time to time, I am notified about special events coming to my area. Just the other day I received such an email. I opened the email hoping to find out that my favorite band was coming to town. Well, it was not my favorite band and quite frankly I didn't know what to think. The Arkansas Black Rodeo (brought to you by the Real Cowboy Association) encouraged me to hurry up and get my tickets for their event. My first reaction was - this is can't be right. I thought it was some type of comedic performance or some performance in poor taste. After further research, I concluded this was indeed a rodeo that featured and was ran solely (from what I could tell) by African-Americans. I just shook my head in disbelief.

In my opinion, we as a society are taking two steps back when we keep segregating programs based upon race. I don't think it sends a message of unity and progress. I would venture to guess that IF this was the Arkansas White Rodeo, you might have heard about this on the six o'clock news and every media outlet in the country. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. Either way - white/black/green/mauve, it's not appropriate. Is it not our goal as a country to eliminate racial barriers? If so, why should we on our own free will raise barriers based upon race?

Our civil rights leaders fought very hard to tear down walls of segration. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once dreamed when people would not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Obviously, the Arkansas Black Rodeo wants you to know that race is an issue.
Why can't we just have a rodeo?


Rodeoduzit said...

Just because this organization was founded by an African American does not mean the organization is racist. We have Caucasians, Hispanics, and other nationalities. Caucasian calf ropers at the top of the leader boards, as well as barrel racers. Don't just look at the name of the organization, instead look at as a whole. If someone uses the term "Turn left on the blacktop road" will you refuse because of the name use to describe the road. Who founded Nascar, and how many African American, and Hispanic drivers do you see out there, but we hush to that, and not complain.
Our organization is equal oppourtunity, and we welcome all. But to some it is still hard to believe. Just ask the Caucasian Calf Roper if he complains when he is not at the top of the leader board. He comes out and have fun with us all everytime he comes out. The key word is research. Mr. Frank Edwards is always available, to defend what he created. Keep in mind this something Great!! However, it is not welcomed by all, simply because what we don't understand we fear, or what we don't want to understand we reject. I wecome your intelligent comments anytime. Please don't take this in a negitive tone. These are words of reason.

I could be wrong, but... said...

Thank you for your opinion and interest. I really do appreciate the comments.

It is exciting to know that other races are involved in the rodeo.

However, if race is NOT an issue and it IS an equal opportunity environment...Why single out one race to identify your organization? Wouldn't you agree that could be misleading to the public? The website also concurs those ideals.

If all the items that you have relayed are correct regarding the rodeo, they are failing miserably with good PR on many different levels.

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