Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I hate debates...

Am I the only one who thinks debates are useless?

Each candidate has about 4 or 5 catch phrases that is constant in any forum. You could ask McCain who's going to win the World Series?

His response may be,

"You know that's a great question and a question that all Americans are probably pondering at this time of economic crisis. I just wish we could get more people in the seats during the playoffs. That's what I'm going to do as president. I'm going to cut taxes on Americans so they can buy more hot dogs, more beverages, more itchy replica baseball shirts and more of those tiny baseball bats for the kiddos while working across the aisle with the American and National leagues respectively. And friends, that's what America is all about. Oh, and by the way, did I mention that we will be looking for alternative energy as well? Yes, my friends, it's true. We will be looking for alternative energy. Nuclear, clean coal, off shore drilling and THAT, my friends, will play a gigantic role in the outcome of America's own, major league baseball World Series."

Rebuttal Mr. Obama (use your best Obama voice including choppy breaks between words that prohibit a continual train of thought with a hard emphasis on the first syllable of each word),

"Baseball is America's true pastime. During the last 8 years there has been a steady decline in America's interest with major league baseball. I understand why the middle class feels that way. Ticket prices are continuing to go up while we are going through the largest fiscal decline in this great country's history. I have voted numerous times to lower ticket prices while Senator McCain has voted against it 94.2% of the time. Oh, and did I mention, we shouldn't have even gone to war with Iraq?"

I think the best forum to serve the public would be granting each candidate 1 hour of television time. Just one camera focused in on the noggin of the candidate. Each broadcast would focus on 2 topics. An example would be Economic Reform and Health care. The candidate could then go into detail regarding specific things they are proposing and use charts and graphs or whatever they choose. I guess that makes too much sense.


amy said...


amy said...
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Sara said...

I was totally bored last night. I thought the VP debates were better.

James E. Miller said...

But I loved McCain's two most-talked-about moments:

"That one"


"Not you, Tom"

If you don't know to what I'm referring, look it up. Interesting stuff.

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